I’m Max Mays, an instructional designer passionate about inclusive and engaging learning experiences. Combining empathy and innovation, I design accessible training products that deliver maximum learning and amazing results. Connect with me by clicking below!

Picture of two adults, one a white woman with dark hair, the other a black man with glasses and a short beard. They are at a desk interacting with a laptop computer.


I design e-learning experiences that incorporate differentiation, scaffolding, accessibility, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to support diverse adult learners. By breaking down complex concepts and integrating multiple learning modalities, I create inclusive, engaging training solutions that promote maximum learning and amazing results.

Accessible Learning

Many training programs fail to support diverse adult learners, leading to disengagement and knowledge gaps. I create and refine accessible e-learning solutions using UDL principles, multiple learning modalities, and flexible access points, ensuring your organization gains the skills they need for maximum learning and amazing results.

Slideshow of how-to guide for running a custom report in a proprietary software platform.

Animated gif showing preview of learning module created by Max Mays

Maximize Learning

Up-to-date, accessible learning designed with adult learning principles ensures that team members gain the knowledge and skills needed to perform at their best. By integrating UDL, multiple learning modalities, and real-world application, I create training that boosts engagement, retention, and efficiency. This leads to higher productivity, improved compliance, and measurable KPI growth, driving maximum learning and amazing results for your organization.

Time to get started

Time is money, and you don't have time or money to waste on training resources that don't meet your needs. Contact me today and I'll be in touch shortly. Let's...

Picture of instructional designer Max Mays, in front of rocks overlooking a forest.

© Max Mays, 2025. All rights reserved. Email: [email protected]